National Technical Examinations



National Technical Examinations (NTE) The standard for registration in Canada is an undergraduate degree in Engineering, accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of Engineers Canada.  If you graduated from a non-accredited engineering program, you may be required to write technical examinations that demonstrate your knowledge and academic qualifications. The exams are assigned based on the Engineers Canada Examination Syllabus.  The actual exams you write will depend on your situation.  After your application has been assessed, you will be notified in writing if you are required to complete technical exams. Technical exams may be written during the Spring/Summer session (May to August) or the Fall/Winter session (October to December) of each year.  You may choose the examination session at which you prefer to write.  You will be given a deadline date for completing the exams.  If you do not attempt to write any exams within one year of the date of the letter you received, your application will be withdrawn. Click here for sample exams, provided by EGBC (Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia).   Writing Exams:
  • National Technical Exams are written across Canada twice per year in May to August (Spring/Summer session) and October to December (Fall/Winter session).  
  • To write the exams in the Spring/Summer session, submit your application by February 2nd.  To write the exams in the Fall/Winter session, submit your application by May 2nd.
  • You may submit your application either by mail or email to the address listed above.  Payment must be submitted with your application.  Payment options are listed on the application form.
  • You will receive instructions and any additional information after the timetable has been set, approximately six weeks prior to the writing of the exam.  The instructions will tell you the exam date, whether the exam is open or closed book and what you may use during the exam.
  • You must write your exams on the dates scheduled.
  • You must finish all your exams by the completion date assigned to you.
  GOOD-PERFORMANCE REVIEW POLICY To meet the “good-performance” review criterion, an applicant must have written two technical exams at their first sitting and achieved a minimum average of 65% with no mark below 60%.  After a second exam sitting, if an applicant has passed three technical exams with no mark below 60%, s/he may receive consideration for exemption from writing the Complementary Studies exam. If an applicant attempted two exams in the first sitting but failed one, s/he may still qualify for a “good-performance” review if s/he passes the failed exam with a mark of 70% or higher and achieves 60% or higher on the previously unwritten technical exam attempted at the second sitting. Important: If an applicant has been assigned a Directed Confirmatory Exam Program, the good performance criteria are different; to be eligible, in addition to meeting the above criteria, all the directed exams must be addressed as well. Applicants are advised to contact Engineers PEI for more information.   The Examination Syllabus is developed by the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board of Engineers Canada and the National Technical Examination Program is administered through Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Fees:  The cost to write each examination is $525.00   Notice of Marks:
  • Exams are submitted to the National Exam Office for marking.  Your marks will be sent to you by email 60 – 90 days after you write the exam.
  • Engineers PEI does NOT provide marks over the phone.
Reference Materials:  The Examination Syllabus and suggested text lists are available at: Technical Exam Program | Professional Engineers Ontario ( Note:  Engineers PEI does NOT offer reference materials, textbooks or arrange for tutors. I​f you wish to pay for your exam with a credit card, click on the link below.   To register for the exam, fill out one of the application forms below and email to  Please note:  You are NOT registered for the examination UNTIL the application form AND registration form are submitted to the Engineers PEI office.  
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